RU / Day 2 / 14:00 / Track 3

Artem will show how to build from scratch your own 3D rendering system (engine) on WebGL in browser, just like the professionals do it, and share architectural solutions and approaches. He will use evolving WebGL 2.0 standard and glTF 2.0 protocol for describing 3D scenes made by Khronos Group.

This talk's purpose is to show that you can and should develop in 3D. It is aimed at developers who want to start developing 3D applications, but get confused by complexity. You will learn how to make your own 3D engine right now.

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Артем Кунец
Artem Kunets

Artem is developing a 3D application in Align Technology and researching the possibilities of WebGL in browser. In his free time, he develops his rendering engine. He believes that 3D graphics gives developers unlimited opportunities to implement their ideas.